
Worship is not only at the center of what we do as Christians, it is at the center of who we are. In worship, we come together before God in thanksgiving, to praise Him for all the blessings we have been given: for the beauty of this world, the wonder of life, and the mystery of love, for the blessing of family and friends, and the loving care which surrounds us on every side, and above all, for the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ. In offering praise to God, we are reminded that we are not at the center of the world. God is. We come together each Sunday and on other special days of Feast or Fast to be reminded of that truth.
In worship, the Episcopal Church is what is known as a 'liturgical church.' That is to say, our worship services follow set forms ("liturgy") which include prayers, creeds, and scripture readings that have been used in the Church's worship since its earliest days. Specifically, we use the Book of Common Prayer to order our worship. The version we use, from 1979, is the latest version of the book, which goes back to the 16th century England and before.
While continuity with the past is important to us, we do not follow tradition slavishly. We seek to employ the best aspects of the past, as well as the best of today's culture and science to praise God. Ours is an “ancient-future faith”:
Ancient, in the sense that it is rooted in the historic Tradition of the Church as testified in the Holy Scriptures, faithfully handed down by the Apostles, developed by the Church Fathers, and reasserted at the Reformation.
Future, in the sense that we understand ourselves to be participants in a story that has not ended but continues on until Christ returns. And as we await that day, we gratefully employ the gifts afforded us in this present moment—technology, artistic expressions, communications systems—as we seek to bring the riches of ancient wisdom to bear on the needs of today.
We invite you to be a part of our church and to join us as participants in this glorious tradition of worship!
"You are entering a conversation that began long before you were born and will continue long after you are dead."
Sign at Winchester Cathedral, England