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Fr. Terry Miller


As a priest, Fr. Terry seeks to help others to know and love the God revealed in Jesus Christ, bringing to bear on today’s questions and hopes the riches of Christian teaching and tradition, so that those he serves may be transformed into His likeness by the Holy Spirit, be equipped to do ministry, and share in the Church’s witness to God’s Kingdom.


Before coming to Good Shepherd, Fr. Terry served at St. Matthew’s, Richmond, as Assistant Priest, as a ‘country parson’ at a parish outside of Charlottesville, as the Interim Pastor at a Lutheran congregation, and as the Assistant Priest for Adult Education at a large suburban congregation outside of Detroit. He is originally from Florida and is a graduate of the University of the South (Sewanee). He received his Master of Divinity at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria and a Master of Sacred Theology at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, where he studied Christian ethics and Christian formation.


When not engaged in parish ministry, he enjoys spending time with his wife and their four school-age children; reading books on theology, history, politics, art and culture; watching films and working in the garden; doing home improvement projects; and tending his other “flock” of chickens, ducks, and geese at his home.


Music Director

We are currently seeking a talented Organist/Choir Director to assist in leading our congregation in the worship of God. We incorporate a variety of musical styles in our praise (traditional organ hymns, chant, contemporary hymns, folk, bell choir). A fuller job description can be found here. Applications should be sent to the Rector

Naji Brooks
Director of Church Communications

Naji, our Director of Church Communications, serves Good Shepherd by answering phones, preparing the worship bulletins, and assisting parishioners, staff, and clergy in their various needs.

Randy Allen

As our Sexton, Randy employs his gifts in maintaining, repairing and enhancing the physical grounds of our church. 


The Vestry (church board) of Good Shepherd consists of six members of the church who are elected at the annual congregational meeting to share with the Rector in the leadership of the church. The Vestry is charged specifically with managing the buildings and finances and marshalling those resources to our larger mission. 


Vestry Members for 2023:


Will Simmons, Senior Warden

Ben Hardy, Junior Warden & GSES Representative

Donna Sumner-Tuimavana, Recorder

Jamie Bergman

Jim Riddle

Brandon Crockwell


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