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Children's Ministry
Children are warmly welcomed at Good Shepherd. During the Sunday morning worship service, they are invited to participate with their parents. We strive to welcome children into a space and time where they can discover and express their own experience of Jesus Christ as the “Good Shepherd” who knows them by name, cares for them and guides them, and to whom they are exceedingly precious.
Children’s Activity Bags -- Children are invited to pick up an Activity Bag to use to participate on an age-appropriate level in our Sunday worship. If you have children, you can find these bags, separated into early and later grade levels, in the narthex (Forest Hill Ave foyer). Together with the Family Bible Study sheets, these bags are an effort to more fully welcome children into our community.

Sunday School -- Each Sunday, after worship, children under 12 are invited to take part in engaging, creative learning sessions around the stories of the Bible. 

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